From Eisner nominated artist Tyler Boss (4 Kids WalkInto A Bank, Dead Dog's Bite) and bestselling writer Matthew Rosenberg (DC vs. Vampires, Uncanny X-Men) comes an epic adventure about growing up and gettinglost at the end of the world. When 16 year-old Sid goes missing in thewastelands, it's up to the members of her gang to try to discover what happened.
But what they find is a whole world beyond anything they could imagine. LikeLord of the Rings meets Lord of the Flies, or John Carpenter by way of JohnHughes, this series smashes together sci-fi and fantasy with elements of comedy,horror, and mystery for an emotional coming-of-age story unlike anything you'veread before. This oversized volume collectsthe first arc of the breakout hit series James Tynion IV calls "What the futureof comics SHOULD feel like." Collects issues 1-6.